Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
Pelvic health is often poorly understood...
...the pelvis is not just at the center of your body; it affects the core of your life and your health. Pelvic dysfunction can present as pain with sexual intercourse, infertility, bladder urgency and frequency, constipation, incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and pain with everyday function such as sitting or walking.
You may have been told to do kegals, take medication, or opt for surgery. Living with pain may feel unavoidable-but it’s not! Fortunately help is available, and there is no need to suffer in isolation. You can reclaim the life you deserve.
At Danu Physical Therapy we have a multifaceted and gentle approach which is effective for a wide range of pelvic and orthopedic conditions. We pride ourselves on providing expert individual care, assessing the body as a whole and using the most current, evidence-based techniques.
On your initial visit, you will receive a thorough evaluation, assessing postural alignment and core stability. We'll examine your abdomen, pelvis, hips, spine and muscles, looking for areas of increased tone, decreased movement and weakness. When it is appropriate, we will also do an internal pelvic floor evaluation, assessing muscle tightness, fascial restrictions, pelvic organ prolapse, loss of muscle tone and weakness.
Treatment will frequently include: visceral manipulation, craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, trigger point release, soft tissue mobilization, biofeedback, joint mobilization, stretching, core stabilization and pelvic floor strengthening exercises.
Prenatal & Postpartum Care
A much needed service.
Pregnancy can be a very exciting time in a woman's life, it can also be an unexpected challenging time as a women's body is constantly changing to accommodate a growing baby.
Pain during pregnancy can make every day functioning almost unbearable, but there is no need to be concerned, we can confidently treat these common conditions:
- Low back pain
- SI joint pain
- Sciatica
- Pubic bone pain
- Round ligament pain
- Incontinence
Child birth is a traumatic experience for the female body, yet it’s natural and there is a unique healing time after every delivery. Like any healing process, the body reorganizes itself differently and it’s during this reorganization period, 6-12 weeks postpartum, that physical therapy can be most effective.
At your 6 week follow up, your OB or midwife will likely give you the ok to start having sex and possibly give you a handout to do kegals if you are leaking. Visiting a certified pelvic floor therapist after your 6 week postpartum check up will help you make a full recovery, getting you back to your pre-pregnant self.
Postpartum issues that are easily addressed include:
- Pain with intercourse
- Pelvic heaviness or pelvic organ prolapse
- Incontinence
- Abdominal separation and weakness
- Lower abdominal pain and C-section scarring
- Pelvic pain and low back pain
Even if you are asymptomatic and you think you are ok, it’s always worth having a pelvic floor evaluation, in my many years of clinical experience, > 75% of patients have had some sort of pelvic dysfunction, never mind just having a baby!
Visceral Manipulation
A gentle hands on therapy...
...that moves and lengthens the connective tissue between your internal organs (viscera) and surrounding structures. Our viscera such as the bladder, uterus and rectum are supported by ligaments and fascia in the pelvis. Inflammation in our body due to infection, direct trauma, surgery, diet, poor posture or emotional stress develops adhesions and scar tissue. This dehydrated and thickened tissue creates abnormal tensions within the entire body, decreasing overall movement, triggering pain and dysfunction.
Movement is essential for health and everyday function, it is vital that the organs move...when we take a breath in, our diaphragm contracts, pushing the kidneys and liver downwards, at the same time, the lungs expand and the stomach compresses, this is a small glimpse of what happens when we take in one breath. Can you imagine the impact of a restricted kidney? With each breath, there would be pulling on the the lower back and tightening of the surrounding muscles to protect the kidney, this is a common source of low back pain.
Visceral manipulation is extremely effective in treating upper and lower back pain, gastrointestinal issues, pelvic and hip dysfunctions, prenatal and postpartum care, women's and men's health concerns.
“The purpose of visceral manipulation is to recreate, harmonize, and increase proprioceptive communication in the body to enhance it’s internal mechanism for better health.”
Craniosacral Therapy
An osteopathic approach...
...using light touch to mobilize the bones of the cranium, spine and pelvis. This gentle treatment helps to release restrictions within the dura, a connective tissue that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. Freeing this protective layer will improve the flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the central nervous system, allowing better nutrient absorption and waste removal within the brain and the nerves.
Craniosacral therapy is beneficial for everyone, it optimizes communication between our nervous system, organs, circulatory system, hormonal system and the musculoskeletal system. Having balance within the whole body will promote health, reduce stress and ease pain. It also helps during pregnancy to create the best possible gestation, labor and delivery.