Pregnancy can be a very exciting time in a woman's life, it can also be an unexpected challenging time as a women's body is constantly changing to accommodate a growing baby.
Pain during pregnancy can make every day functioning almost unbearable, but there is no need to be concerned, we can confidently treat these common conditions:
Low back pain
Upper and mid back pain
SI joint pain
Pubic bone pain
Round ligament pain
Child birth is a traumatic experience for the female body, yet it’s natural and there is a unique healing time after every delivery. Like any healing process, the body reorganizes itself differently and it’s during this reorganization period, 6-12 weeks postpartum, that physical therapy can be most effective.
At your 6 week follow up, your OB or midwife will likely give you the ok to start having sex and possibly give you a handout to do kegals if you are leaking. Visiting a certified pelvic floor therapist after your 6 week postpartum check up will help you make a full recovery, getting you back to your pre-pregnant self.
Postpartum issues that are easily addressed include:
Pain with intercourse
Pelvic heaviness or pelvic organ prolapse
Abdominal separation and weakness
Lower abdominal pain and C-section scarring
Pelvic pain and low back pain
Even if you are asymptomatic and you think you are ok, it’s always worth having a pelvic floor evaluation, in my many years of clinical experience, > 75% of patients have had some sort of pelvic dysfunction, never mind just having a baby!